Agro Deutsch
AgroDeutsch is a German and North European consortium leader in renewable agriculture. We have developed pioneering products that reduce dependence on chemicals, rejuvenate the soil, enhance plant vitality, and elevate human health. We work with farmers to create more profitable and productive agricultural projects around the world.
We’ve +100 years of Experience.
We’ve +30 years of Consortium.
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
The brand "Agro Deutsch" represents our commitment to international customers to offer the best quality and excellent service. we are successfully represented today on all continents in more than 50 countries.
What They’re taking about us
شكرا لكم على حسن التعامل , لقد استخدمنا منتجات اجرو دوتش لزراعة النخيل مما حقق لنا زيادة بالانتاج بنسبة 40 % و تحسين مناعة النخل لمقاوة الافات
استخدمنا المنتج الخاص من البيتموس عالى الجودة المخصص لتصدير محصول البطاطس مما زاد من مدة التخزين و تقليل نسبه العفن الناتج عن مدة الشحن
Thank you Agro Deutsch family for your professional cooperation and for helping us to improve a special formula to Bio Farming
Agro Deutsch - Thank you for bartering our products, increasing the yield and finding new markets for our agricultural crops
We’re a leader Organic fertilizer producer
14 Sep, 23
23 Jan, 23
+49 30 520 144 76 Ext. 50